Magnum Success Story: from the acceptance area operator to the line manager
Magnum Success Story: from the acceptance area operator to the line manager
Magnum Success Story: from the acceptance area operator to the line manager

Nizami Mamedov had joined the Company in 2013, when he was a 4th- year-student at the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications. Two years later, he had commenced his studies in High-Potential Employees program while working as an Acceptance Area Administrator.

In addition to his main duties, Nizami in his spare time was working on the trading floor, helping customers and filling in shelves as well as devoting time to own professional development.

Rapid and successful growth was not long to wait. Everytime while trying  new positions in several departments, Nizami studied the sublety and specificity of work which were necessary for getting more experience and further career growth, took initiatives, and was noted by the management!

And now, Nizami Mamedov, the Manager of the Regional Training at Magnum Corporate Academy, will share his Success Story: