The Doors Open Day at Magnum Head Office
The Doors Open Day at Magnum Head Office
The Doors Open Day at Magnum Head Office

We held the Doors Open Day for the children of employees of the head office and Almaty stores on the threshold of the Knowledge Day.

Our little visitors had a unique opportunity to see how a store works and visit Magnum head office!

Why do all employees wear badges?

How the cash register and radio of a Security Service employee work?

What it is the job of a salesperson? How our favorite products reach the store shelves?

Our guests have received answers to all these interesting questions and more!

The day has been full of exciting adventures and new discoveries. For instance, the children got to know in detail the full cycle of chips production; and experimented with Mentos and Coca-Cola. The kids felt like real scientists as everything is possible in Magnum!

Each child received a nutrition box with toy inside, and delicious treats at the end of the tour.

We are sure that this fun educational day will remain in the children's memory for a long time, and maybe they will come back to the Company as new employees in the future!

Feedback from one of the parents:

I would like to express my gratitude for Magnum Kids children tour. My son is delighted to spend time with your team, he has got a lot of impressions today, and sees Magnum from another side. Thank you so much for the delicious gifts and attention to our children!